About Me

Dr. Sinehan Bayrak received her medical degree from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She subsequently matched into an otolaryngology and head and neck surgery residency at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Here, she completed five years of specialty training focusing on surgeries for the head, face, and neck. During her residency, she was the recipient of multiple accolades including the Outstanding Resident Award for the University of Kansas Health System, the Excellence in Medical Student Teaching Award, the Debra Park Ph.D. Award for Resident Clinical Research, and the Jacquelyne Holdcraft, M.D. Award for Clinical Excellence.

After residency, Dr. Bayrak completed a highly-sought subspecialty fellowship in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery with Dr. Edward Farrior, a world-renowned surgeon and past president of the American Academy for Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. This advanced training gave her the knowledge and skills needed to master the finesse of procedures such as rhinoplasty and deep-plane face lifting.

With over six years of experience focused on the delicate anatomy of the head, face, and neck, she specializes in advanced surgical techniques dedicated to optimizing the aesthetics of facial features. In addition to her formal education and technical training, Dr. Bayrak has been an active member of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, and The Triological Society. She has presented her research at numerous conferences hosted by these organizations.

While Dr. Bayrak's prestigious training and impressive accomplishments speak for themselves, she considers her abilities to personally connect with patients and provide individualized treatments her biggest strengths. In addition to these, her attentiveness to detail and commitment to providing the best possible care put her a cut above the rest.

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